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Behavioral Task Device

USD$ 5,000.00

The Behavioral Task Device is a fully integrated visual stimulation and reward system. It is based on the widely used PsychoPy package and will display visual patterns to a small head fixed animal. The protocol can be programmed using the intuitive PsychoPy user interface.

Each device can be customized to meet the researcher’s specific requirements. Please click the “Build your own setup” button below to create your own behavioral setup.

Configuration costs: -

The system consists of:

  • Two 24″ control/stimulation monitors
  • One computer with keyboard and mouse
  • Add-on positioners to precisely position water sprouts and air puff outputs.
  • Water dispenser
  • One audio set to present stereo stimuli.
  • Rodent driven treadmill OR acrylic tube to maintain the animal, with head fixation system.
  • One breadboard allowing multiple add-ons.
  • 8 digital inputs-outputs to monitor other sensors, to act as slave, to trigger other systems, or to control sensorial feedback.

The device offers a small footprint which makes it ideal for high throughput experiments and serialization. Since the device is autonomous, there is no limit on the amount of devices to serialize. Acquired data can be stored locally on the computer or remotely using widely used cloud storage services.

The Behavioral Task Device is compatible with many other devices. Below is a non-exhaustive list of the add-ons available. USB webcams can be used to record the animal movement or track the pupil position. LabeoTech’s Air Puff Whisker Stimulator can be used for aversive stimulus and the Behavioral Lever to study fine motor tasks.


The experiment setup requires minimal programming thanks to PsychoPy.org. Custom components have been pre-programmed in PsychoPy, which allows users to simply drag and drop components and set their properties without writing a single line of code! The experiment workflow can be adjusted with ease using intuitive schematic as shown below. We can also customize or program new experiments for your specific needs.

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